OTel/Prometheus Interoperability Survey
The purpose of this survey is to:
  • Determine user sentiment around Prometheus Metric naming

  • Determine if there is a difference of opinions between user groups

    • Prometheus "experts" vs OTel "experts"

    • Developers (writing instrumentation) vs Operators (running agents, writing queries/alerts)

    • OSS Users (Collector, Prom Server, Thanos) vs users of Managed Services.

  • Learn overall sentiment about the compatibility of the two projects

This survey will be open from May 1st to May 31st.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
How large is your organization? *
What industry do you work in? *
What type of team do to work on? *
How well do you understand Prometheus?
Not at all familiar
Somewhat familiar
Server configuration
How familiar are you with OpenTelemetry?
Not at all familiar
Somewhat familiar
Which of the following instrumentation libraries or tools are you using (select all that apply): *
Which of the following OpenTelemetry components are you using to deliver metrics to your backend (select all that apply):
Which of the following are you using to store metrics (select all that apply):
Which query language are you using to query metrics (select all that apply):
Which of these have you done in the past 6 months (select all that apply):
How easy have you found it to use OpenTelemetry with Prometheus?
Very easy
Very hard
How confusing have you found the translation between OpenTelemetry metrics and Prometheus metrics?
Very easy
Very hard
What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced using OpenTelemetry with Prometheus?
What would you like to see changed or improved with OpenTelemetry’s Prometheus support?
OpenTelemetry defines the HTTP server histogram metric as http.server.request.duration, with a unit of seconds (s). Suppose you are writing a query for the 95th percentile of the same HTTP metric. Which of the following would you expect to write (regardless of what is valid/correct today), (select all that apply):

Suppose you’ve defined your own OpenTelemetry metric in Go to track how far your robot has traveled:

counter, _ := meter.Float64ObservableCounter("robot.distance.traveled",
   // Call counter.Add() each time the robot moves.

Which of the following would you expect to write (regardless of what is valid/correct today), (select all that apply):
Imagine you know that your node’s OpenTelemetry instrumentation defines a node.time metric, but you don’t remember its unit. Someone complains about a flaky alert, so you open a YAML file with your alert configuration. Which of the following you prefer the most (select all that apply):
Which of the following describes your opinion on units in metric names (select one):
Which of the following describes your opinion on dots vs underscores in metric names (select one):
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